June 14, 2013


Posted in chav's fashion diary, inworldz at 1:36 am by Chav Paderborn


Eek, I look like a lady.

Picked up some nerd-glasses from Epique, which I only just found today, and some template-shoes from a random shop in Vodka. They are tintable, so I made them more or less match the dress. Also got a Vista woman’s AO because well you need more than one AO for when it is annoying you with stupid stands. Innit?

So I made hair! Nothing special, just normal prims, but I was failing to find any retro/vintage hairdos in InWorldz. Yeah, I was feeling a bit rockabilly. Now if only I had a cool 50s house full of tacky decor! Then I would be happy, I am sure of it this time. My home in InWorldz is just a sky platform in Birch Glen, but I’ve been using sandboxes a lot (all the better to meet people) and so maybe I should look into an actual house somewhere? I don’t know, I like where I am.

Photo taken at Phoenix Creations, Midsomer region.


July 14, 2012

When Posh Went Punk?

Posted in chav's fashion diary, goth!, punk, sales, tattoos tagged , at 8:43 pm by Chav Paderborn

I’m not sure what this look is, but when you wear this Armidi hair with pretty much anything you end up looking like Posh Spice. Posh is pretty amazing, being the least talented but the most successful of the Spice Girls. I will never quite understand that. I suppose she got in a good stylist when it really mattered. (For the record my favourite is Ginger for being bolshy despite a chronic inability to sing particularly well.) So maybe it’s if Posh Spice was some sort of gothed-up punk.

As is the law, I must ask Whatever Happened To Armidi? Nobody seems to know, every Plurk I’ve seen on the issue is answered with vague promsies that they’re making stuff At Some Point. I don’t know when we get to declare it dead. I assume it’s in that state where the Sim is turned on as long as it’s profitable and after that it’ll go away forever. I will never understand why, since it was terribly successful in its day and they made nice stuff.

Also I have just noticed that I left in a bit of bluescreen ONOSE MY SEKRIT IS OUT.


Skin: Glam Affair (Dressing Room); Lipstick: A&A; Shoes: Shiny Things; Leggings: Ibizarre (closing sale?); Corset: Bare Rose; Earrings: LaGyo (Dressing Room); Hair: Armidi; T-Shirt & Tattoos own make (not for sale due to copyrights, IM me for a free copy if you really want them).


July 9, 2012


Posted in chav's fashion diary, steampunk at 6:49 pm by Chav Paderborn

Today Chav is dressed to match her magic trousers that I made and forced her to wear. Shirt is Mr Poet, skin be Curio, shoes from Shiny Things, hair is Lamb.

March 1, 2012

Where Yo Been, Chave?

Posted in chav's fashion diary, petites at 7:34 am by Chav Paderborn

I have become a Petite Mesh Avatar. I don’t know how long that will last but at the moment I have no immediate plans to return to the world of Big. I am 1/3 the size of a normal av and have to shrink hairs. I love you, hairs, never leave me! How long will the craze for Petites last, I wonder? I think it might just hang on in there because of the number of people making stuff for them. Like with Tinies only you don’t have to be a ferret. Who can say?

Avatar is by Fallen Gods, shoes are Bottle Bird, hair is Kin. Dungarees, hat and bow are by meeeeeeee.


February 23, 2012

Blogging to keep blogging

Posted in chav's fashion diary at 1:38 am by Chav Paderborn

As you can see, Chav is wearing some noob-clothes from the Library. Idk why, I just think they’re kind of cute on her somehow. And it’s fun to look like a noob. It’s the top and trousers from “Vampire Avatar Ulrik” except I modded the trousers into capris. Obviously. We don’t wear enough noob clothes, do we?

Make-up is this dollarbie from the Marketplace, over the Ylang Ylang skin from Body Co.  Hair is Wasabi Pills, boots are still Deco. Izzie’s mesh eyes.

I like my new shape, it is mostly like the old one but different enough to be new.

February 19, 2012

Still a clown

Posted in chav's fashion diary, steampunk at 11:43 pm by Chav Paderborn

Man, it turns out to be hard to find clown make-up tattoo layer things in Second Life.

Boots: DECO, Tops: Contraption, Trousers: Bare Rose, Hair: Dura, Skin: Glam Affair, Make-Up: Over The Top, Ciggie: Shel’tter.

Also I have been walking about in my old urchin AO, which is so old it is mostly static and some of the animation shops don’t exist anymore. It was fun but challenging assembling that AO back in the day. It’s got easier to find less sexual AO poses, I’m pleased about that.

Man-clothes are great for being scruffy/urchiny/doll-like, because they are too big even when you size them down a bit. I should experiment further with this new-found way to be adorable.



Posted in chav's fashion diary at 12:14 am by Chav Paderborn

Trousers: Bare Rose, Boots: DECO, Top: Mr Poet, Hair: Dura, Skin: Mynerva

Today I am a clown. I like being a clown. I might stay a clown for a while, I don’t know. I am wearing manclothes from Mr Poet but resizing them was fine.

February 18, 2012

New Face

Posted in chav's fashion diary at 1:39 am by Chav Paderborn

Chav’s new face is not as odd as I meant it to be, but I like it. Also huge hands and long arms. We shall see how long the new look lasts.

In other news I moved my mainland, erm, land and now I am in Clockwork sim. I am very pleased with this because it is the best name for a sim. I have put in a shop selling mesh furnitures, but I will be spending most of my time in the sky I expect.

Shirt and Trousers: Bare Rose (Airship Mechanic Lady)

Skirt: Ricelli (Mesh)

Boots: DECO

Hair: Ploom

Skin: Curio



February 14, 2012

Oh, look, it’s clothes!

Posted in chav's fashion diary, spaceclothes, steampunk at 11:26 pm by Chav Paderborn

I’m kind of surprised that when I ask where to find steampunk frocks people don’t say “Destiny’s Designs.” They say BlakOpal or Curious Seamstress or whoever, but I like Destiny’s best. They’re kind of fun, is why. She also sells a lot of Star Wars clothes, so worth popping by if you’re looking to cosplay. (If you can’t find it in Search try Karmas Destiny’s Picks. It’s in the south-east corner of Hanbok, if that helps.)

This came with glasses, but I was already wearing the KAZE goggles so it seemed like eye-related overkill. And speaking of eyes, I am wearing mesh ones from Izzie’s. Mesh eyes have the advantage of higher resolution textures and also of being mesh so that about 30% of the SL population will just think you have creepy toruses for eyes, which I count as a win.

Hair and hairbase are Truth, skin is from Curio. Not seen in pic — undies from Ooh La La, and boots from Lassitude & Ennui at the Back to Black event.

February 13, 2012

Still Mesh

Posted in chav's fashion diary, mesh, my own stuff at 3:24 pm by Chav Paderborn

Mwah, it is a rebuild of my very old Portable Suffrage Protest freebie from years back. Mostly mesh but the posters are on normal prims due to texturing fail. I should remember to make a wearable version for if people want to visit Gor sims with it on. Because frankly they could do with someone poking fun. Surely this will be the straw on the camel that is the widespread economic boycott of Gorean sims! Slavery will fall, women will be free! We Can Do It!

Oh, yeah and some fashion notes: dress from Bare Rose (“Antonia”) which I have been wearing constantly since I got it. Hair is Truth, natch, and skin is the usual from Curio.


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