June 2, 2013

A Blank Sheet of Paper

Posted in chavland, hanamachi, metropolis grid, my own stuff, opensim at 8:43 am by Chav Paderborn

Is it possible to build the remains of a city with less than 7000 prims? Let’s find out!


I cleared most of the Hanamachi sim, leaving just the Secret Bunker, so that I could build something like a ruined city. Here you see my minimal progress thus far. I’m determined but not especially hopeful. So far I’ve spend more time making textures than actually building, or so it feels. The problem with building old/abandoned things is that the nice clean textures you find about  the place don’t really work for it, so you need to at least grunge them up a bit. As you can see the place is mostly empty at the moment. I have all these plans, you see. Plans!

Hadn’t been in Metro for a while, realised I didn’t really want the Japanese style place with all nice plants and stuff. Whatever, most of it is in inventory in case I ever change my mind or need a project. (The textures, btw, are available in the Chavland Shopping sim.) There is the vague possibility that I might add another sim next week if I still feel the need. They are pretty cheap even hosted. Certainly it’s not in the triple figures like in SL. It amazes me that there’s so many islands in SL, it really does.

Must focus on not doing details until I have basic structures in place. That’s always a tricky bit.


April 9, 2013

Metropolis Gets A Geisha

Posted in hanamachi, mesh, metropolis grid, my own stuff, opensim at 6:51 pm by Chav Paderborn

geishafront geishaside

Remember what I said about having to make everything yourself? Not entirely true, but true enough. After a few rigging disasters I finally got a mesh kimono to work (the sleeves were the problem, if you’re wondering) and made some shoes, hair, make-up, etc. Not out anywhere yet but if you see me and want any of this just ask. Not perfect, but it’ll do for now.

I’m finally building a hanamachi in the Hanamachi sim, so the name becomes less random. There’s quite a few geisha in SL, but I’m not aware of any in Metropolis yet and there seems to be one dead group over on OSGrid. Perhaps we shall get some, who knows. The build itself is just normal prims, mesh will be in the details and decor.

Perhaps I will be able to build up a new roleplay character, or perhaps I will get bored and move onto another theme next week. Who can say?


March 21, 2013

The best and worst thing

Posted in hanamachi, metropolis grid, my own stuff, opensim at 10:16 pm by Chav Paderborn

Designing a sim in Metropolis (or OSGrid, or etc) means you end up having to build it all yourself depending on what your theme is. This is bad for me because I’m not good at architecture, which has to be in place before I can start on the detailling. It’s just lack of content, really, which will improve as more people move to those worlds, and as people already there keep building stuff. I’m thinking it would help if I placed a box with the hanamachi (latest project) textures somewhere, and set as much as possible to copyable.

On the plus side it does force you to build stuff you’d probably just get lazy about in SL. Your stuff will match because it has the same builder and the same texture sets, which always tends to improve a sim’s look. It’s good for builders, I reckon, and opensim seems to be mostly builders (probably because of the relative lack of content compared to SL).

Know what I miss though? Decent hair. Places like Truth, Clawtooth, Lamb, Exile, and so on. I can’t make hair so I’m stuck with whatever I can find which doesn’t tend to be great, sorry. Well, it’s not up-to-date, put it in those terms.